The Moja PG system operates as a web portal at the Gdansk University of Technology.
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In the case of people who previously had a student account on Moja PG, no new account is created - the existing album number, login and password remain. In order to grant full doctoral rights (including a new e-mail alias), you must go through the process of activating your student account on My PG using your current password (according to the instructions on the website If you lose your previously used password, you can log in using or another password reset method to obtain the password. |
The account activation process takes place at the Moja PG Portal directly – click New account:
To make the account active you need to provide all the data required and provided during the recruitment process.
The checkbox I have Personal Identification Number should be unchecked if the Student does not have a PESEL Number (only Polish citizens have the PESEL number). Then the field Document ID will appear in place of the PESEL number field:
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NOTEThe password should consist of at least eight characters, including one letter and at least 2 additional characters. Additional characters include digits and following characters:., <> /?; ':' [{]} ~ `! @ # $% ^ & * () _ + =. The password should be given twice: in the Password and Repeat Password fields. |
In the end the code from the picture should be typed in. If the picture is unreadable, student can see another picture. Therefore he/she should click: Change CAPTCHA.
The system will confirm if the account was activated:
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NOTEThe login usually consists of the first three letters of the name and five letters of the family name. Sometimes, the system adds digits to the same login, if there already exists another user with the same login. It is necessary use the whole login (with these additional digits) to log in. |
If the Student already has an account at the domain, or the Employee has an account at the domain, and they used wireless network (e.g. Eduroam) in the past, the system will show a message: “login name exists”. This login was not changed and the old password is still valid.