Receiving decisions on non-admission or admission to Doctoral schools

Receiving decisions on non-admission or admission to Doctoral schools

This instruction is intended for candidates for Doctoral schools (Doctoral School and Industrial Doctoral School) of Gdańsk University of Technology.

Receiving decisions on non-admission or admission to Doctoral schools


  1. After the official publication of the final results and decisions for candidates, you should log into the recruitment system eRekrutacja - Politechnika Gdańska

  1. You should go to Doctoral schools and proceed to the appropriate recruitment, which should have the status Results published.



Zrzut ekranu 2024-09-11 o 20.12.39.png
You choose the recruitment category - Doctoral schools



  1. Click Go to the final results → a screen with the decision to download is shown.




  1. After clicking on Receive document, a window with confirmation of receipt will be displayed. You should select I confirm receiving the electronic document and press the Yes button.



  1. After confirmation, you can download the decision (the document will be saved to disk or opened in a new browser window). After downloading the decision, the final results will appear. After a few minutes, the Proof of receipt (after clicking on Download DO) will also be generated (just as the decision will appear in a new browser window).

Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024