MS Teams Teleconferences

MS Teams Teleconferences

This article can help you create an account on MS Teams and conduct conferences.

MS Teams is an independent service, not related to the Gdańsk University of Technology. We have no influence on its operation, limitations or quality.

One "host" account is enough to use the service, other meeting participants do not need to create an account! If you just want to join an event, go straight to Joining an MS Teams meeting.

Up to 300 users can participate in one meeting at the same time.

The MS Teams account can be used for virtual meetings with other employees and also for distance learning or cooperation with students as a support for the ClickMeeting application integrated with e-learning platform.

It is most convenient to download and install the application, although you can use the EDGE or Chrome browser - link to download the application: MS Teams

Information for employees

Each employee of Gdańsk University of Technology (as of August 31, 2020) received an account in the "o365.pg.edu.pl" domain. To get access to the MS Teams application, please enter your shortened polytechnic login with the domain "@o365.pg.edu.pl" as the login (that is, for example, John Smith will use the login johsmith@o365.pg.edu.pl) and in the next stage of logging in select the "forgot my password" option to complete the password reset process. The verification code will be sent to the polytechnic mailbox. Detailed instructions can be found on this subpage.

Information for students

Each student and PhD student of the Gdańsk University of Technology (as of February 25, 2021) received an account in the "o365.student.pg.edu.pl" domain. To access the MS Teams application, enter your shortened polytechnic login (created in accordance with these rules) along with the domain "@o365.student.pg.edu.pl" as login (i.e., for example, student John Smith with the album number 234567 will use the login s234567@o365.student.pg.edu.pl or johsmith@o365.student.pg.edu.pl) and in the next step of logging in, select the "I forgot my password" option to go through the password reset process. The verification code will be sent to the polytechnic mailbox. Detailed instructions can be found on this subpage.

The accounts of people who independently registered in the MS Teams service using a polytechnic login were migrated to the o365.pg.edu.pl domain. Additionally these logins were changed to "short", i.e. johsmith@pg.edu.pl as in the above example.

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Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024