Inserting mathematical formulas and symbols

Inserting mathematical formulas and symbols

The text editor on the eLearning Platform allows users to enter any mathematical formula through a simple graphical tool.

To start the math formula input tool, click the icon editor toolbar  .  Inserting next elements of the formula consists on selecting them from the list of available symbols. List of symbols is divided into five categories, switching between categories consists ofnswitching tabs from the top bar:

 - numbers, arithmetic operators, mathematical constants, indexing and fraction templates,

 - quantifiers, logical and algebraic operators, templates of commonly used functions,

  - letters of the Latin alphabet,

 - letters of the Greek alphabet.

 - matrixes and determinants.


Creating a mathematical formula involves inserting the right symbols in the right places. Moving between formula fields (e.g. from the fraction numerator to its denominator) by the cursors , To insert a symbol, find it in the list and click. If you enter an incorrect symbol you can delete it using. You can delete all saved characters at any time and start editing from the beginning -  .

After finish entering the formula, press the Insert Formula ("Wstaw wzór") button.

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