Quiz Activity

Quiz Activity

One type of activity is Quiz. It allows checking the student's knowledge by using different types of questions.

After adding a new activity, we will go to the detailed test settings. We will set options in turn:


In this window, enter the name of the test and optionally Description – a short introduction describing the test.


The window allows you to enter the settings for the date range in which the test is going to be available and enter the time limit for solving the test.


Remember to mark the Enable option after entering the settings


This category contains grades settings. This is a particularly important category that greatly facilitates work.


This option allows you to choose the appearance of the test. We can decide how many questions will be displayed on one page.

Question behaviour

In this window by using options: Shuffle within questions, we decide whether  the parts making up each question will be randomly shuffled each time a student attemps the quiz. You may wish the students to enter an answer to each question and then submit and then submit the entire quiz, before anything is granded or they get any feedback. For that purpose use option How question behave.

Review options

These options decide what information and when students can see when reviewing quiz approaches or reports. For detailed information, just click on the question mark icon (?) at the selected setting.


Here you can change user settings about appearance and use additional options by clicking: Show more.

Extra restrictions on attempts

Window for selecting additional quiz functionalities.

Overall feedback

The summary feedback is the text displayed after completing the quiz. You can provide different information, depending on the grades achieved, giving grades ranges (as percent or numbers).

Common module settings

Basic options window, in which we decide, among others about the visibility of the quiz on the course.

Restrict access

The above setting allows you to limit access to the test, e.g. due to the grade or belonging to a given group.

Activity completion

The window allows you to decide how the activity completion will be tracked, for example the activity will be considered complete after fulfilling the selected conditions.


This option allows you to better identify the quiz after tagging it.


We choose what actions will take place after the activity.

Finally, we need to save the quiz- Save and return to course or save and immediately view your test- Save and display.

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