FAQ - English version

Frequently asked questions

Questions about the Moja PG account and portal:

 What is the difference between eDziekanat and the Moja PG portal?

Moja PG is a portal that integrates many different systems and internet applications of the GdaƄsk University of Technology. eDziekanat - an application for electronic management of dean's offices - is one of them. More information can be found at euczelnia.pg.gda.pl.

 What to do if I did not receive the welcome e-mail (with the assigned album number) for enrollment studies?

E-mails are usually sent around mid-August, if you do not receive such an email., please check the SPAM folder of your e-mail account. If the e-mail is not in SPAM, please report it via the contact form (IT notification). Select the subject Issue with welcome email. A correctly asked question will allow for a faster response to the notification.

 What is my login to the e-mail, Eduroam network, and Moja PG portal?

All services provided by the IT Services Centre (CUI) are accessible using one and the same login. If you don't know your login or you don't remember your account password, below you will find information on what to do in such cases.

 The portal has crashed, the page is loading all the time.

Please log in to the portal from Firefox, which guarantees the correct operation of the system.

 After trying to activate my account, I get the message "There is no such person".

The Moja PG portal will display the information There is no such person if and only if the data entered by the user does not match the data saved on the portal side. A common cause of the error is entering data with a typo (e.g. "Jonh" instead of "John"), entering the last name in the middle name field, or entering personal data "quickly" in lower case letters instead of what is in the ID card . Please make sure that the data entered fully corresponds to the data in your ID card.
If you think that everything has been entered correctly and yet the system is still unable to verify your data, save a screenshot of the form you filled in, and then send it to us, along with a short description of the problem, using the contact form (IT notification).

Questions about logins and passwords:

 How can I recover a forgotten login?

To remember a forgotten login, go to the Moja PG page. Select the New account tab, fill in the form and confirm it with the Activate account button. After activation, a message will appear with information about the given login. In the described case, the Moja PG portal will not create a new account, it will only remind the existing login.

 How to recover a forgotten password?

For security reasons, the Helpdesk team does not send or change passwords. If you have forgotten your password, please reset it:

  • with a one-time code:  Moja PG -> Forgot password -> Password reset (envelope)
  • via SMS:  Moja PG -> I forgot my password -> Reset password (SMS)

 What is PAP?

PAP - Personal Authorization Point, a place where you can regain access to your account, lost e.g. due to forgetting your password. Remember to go to PAP with your own valid photo ID.

  • PAP for students is available in each dean's office
  • PAP for employees can be found at the heads of dean's offices or in Helpdesk - room 256C in the Main Building

PAP will provide you with an envelope with a one-time code for password reset - this is one of the password recovery methods, the other methods are described in the question above.

 How will I know when my password has expired?

You can check the validity of the password in the My Account tab after logging in to the Moja PG portal.

 What to do when the password has expired?

If the password has expired (e.g. the user has forgotten to change it within the prescribed period, or has not used the account for a long time), then exactly the same steps as in the case of a forgotten password should be followed - see the answer to the question above. The password can also be changed by logging into the portal and going to the My Account tab.

Questions about mail:

 Do I need an active e-mail account to be able to use the Moja PG portal?

You don't need an e-mail address to activate an account in the portal. For more information, see also the answer to the question below.

 How can I get an e-mail account in the Moja PG domain?

All you need to do is complete the account activation process on the Moja PG portal (Create an account tab). The account created in this process allows you to access the e-mail, Eduroam network and Moja PG portal - everywhere with the same login and password.

  • Employees receive an account in the pg.edu.pl domain, the account name (the so-called login) is assigned automatically by the system. An e-mail alias in the form of first_name.last_name@pg.edu.pl is automatically assigned to the employee account, which can be entered as your e-mail address. All messages sent to the alias first_name.last_name@pg.edu.pl will be sent to the login@pg.edu.pl account. Please note that the e-mail alias is not a login - you can log in to your e-mail account only using the account name given by the system - login. Access to employee mail is possible, among others via the post poczta.pg.edu.pl
  • Students (including PhD students who have no employment contract with GdaƄsk Tech) receive an account in the student.pg.edu.pl domain. In this case, no email aliases are created. Access to student e-mail is possible, among others via the post poczta.pg.edu.pl.

Questions about certificates:

 How to install certificates to be able to use the Eduroam network?
All instructions are available on the eduroam website.

 Why can't I unpack the personal certificate I downloaded from the website?

When downloading the user's certificate, it is not always generated anew (e.g. when a valid certificate is already generated on the server), which may lead to a situation where, after changing the password, we can download the certificate using the current, new password, but we cannot unpack. In this case, use one of the previous passwords to extract the certificate. Certificates are valid for 180 days. 10 days before the end of the validity period of the current certificate, the server will generate a new certificate packed with the current password.

If the user does not remember the previous password, which will allow to unpack the certificate, please contact the Helpdesk using the contact form (IT request) with a request to remove the current certificate from the server. After this operation, it will be possible to generate a new certificate packed with the current password.

 A missing certificate warning is displayed when loading the portal page.

For an encrypted connection to the portal, you must install the PG root certificate as described on this page.

Student application questions:

 Who should I notify about an incorrect grade on the subject?

In case of an incorrect grade in a subject, it is urgent to contact the appropriate Dean's Office in order to clarify the matter.

 Is the personal data on the portal incorrect?

In order to improve personal data:

  • students should report to their Dean's Office
  • employees should report to Helpdesk in Main Building, room 256C

In both cases, you must bring your own valid identity document confirming the data.

 What to do to open the generated printout?

Log in to the Moja PG portal and go to the Student application. Then, in the menu, go to the Documents tab and from there to the Printouts tab. Select the appropriate type of printout from the list, fill in the available fields and click the PDF document icon. At this point, the system will inform you that the file has started downloading, allowing you to open the file in the default program or save it to your computer (the visible options may differ slightly, depending on the browser used).

  • to open the downloaded file immediately - leave the Open with option selected and click OK.
  • to save the file on your hard drive to open later, select Save and click OK. Depending on your browser settings, the file will be saved to the default location or you will be able to choose a target location for the file.

A PDF reader (e.g. Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader) is required to open a printout. If necessary, download such a program from the Internet and install it on your hard drive. Only then, try to open the saved file.

If the file does not open, it may be because a PDF reader is not installed or is being blocked by programs such as Yahoo Toolbar or Google Toolbar. It is worth turning off their blocking functions or uninstalling these programs. To do this, follow the instruction manual of the appropriate program. Sometimes it is also worth trying to generate a printout in a different browser (Mozilla Firefox is the recommended browser). If none of the above tips helped, please contact us using the contact form (IT notification).

Questions regarding the submission of applications:

 Where can I apply for an ELS (Electronic Student ID Card)?

Submitting applications for ELS takes place at Moja PG Portal (and not, for example, at the student mail).

 How can I attach a photo to the ELS application?

Before starting the application, prepare a photo that meets the conditions described in the question below.
After logggin in to the account on the Moja PG portal, in the Student → Documents → Submit an application, select: ELS/ELD emission. Upload a photo in the form window. Loading a photo consists in clicking the Upload picture button, selecting the folder where the photo is located, clicking the photo itself and the Open button. The photo should appear on the screen.

 What parameters must the photo attached to the ELS application have?

A photo in JPG / JPEG format must have a minimum size of 300 x 240 pixels and a maximum size of 500kB.

 How do I pay for the ELS?

Log in to Moja PG with your login and password to see the amount of the fee. The fee is visible after prior application. To see the fee, go to Student → Payments → My Invoices. In the Payments tab, select the My invoices item, and then click on the name of the relevant invoice. The payment details will be displayed. At this point, using the available link, you can generate a payment form (it should be printed and paid for at the post office or bank) or a link to ePayment or a QR code for mobile payments. Payment of the fee by ePayment or mobile payments significantly reduces the time required to complete the ID.

 When can I pick up my ELS?

When the submitted application obtains the status "Ready to pick up". Until the payment is credited to the university's account, ELS cannot be collected.

 How to submit an electronic application to the Dean's Office?

After activating the account, log in to the Moja PG portal and enter the Student → Documents → Submit an application. Then select the field of study from the list, and in the next step, the type of application you want to submit.

 To what e-mail address are notifications and information sent to students from the Dean's Office?

All information and notifications from the system are sent to the e-mail address in the pg.edu.pl or student.pg.edu.pl domain. Additionally, in the Moja PG portal, by going to My Account → My Data, you can add an additional email address to notifications (in the System notifications section).

Payment questions:

 Which account should I make the payment to? What should be the title of the payment?

All data needed to make a payment are contained in the Moja PG portal in the Student → Payments application. In the Account number tab you will find the account number to which all fees should be paid. In the My Invoices tab you will find invoices to be paid. Remember to provide invoice numbers in the transfer title when paying for invoices (if you pay more than one invoice with one transfer, the invoice numbers should be separated by commas in the transfer title). Remember that the transfer title should contain ONLY the invoice number, e.g. FS123 / 9876/2021 - without any additional information.

 Why is my transfer not visible in the system?

If the money has been transferred / paid to the correct account number, it will certainly go to the account of the GdaƄsk University of Technology. This operation may take several days. If the money does not appear on the account after a week of making the transfer / payment, please contact us using the contact form (IT application).

 What should I do if I have made a deposit to the wrong account?

If the payment was made to an incorrect account number that no longer exists, check with your bank that the transfer has not been returned (usually transfers that could not be processed are automatically returned to the customer's account, although sometimes this does not happen and you need to contact the bank). In the event that the transfer was made to the wrong account number and it was not automatically rejected, please contact the Bursary directly to clarify the matter.

 Paid invoice has changed to unpaid status, do I need to pay again?

Sometimes, the statuses of paid invoices change as a result of improper import of payment data. It is only an error in displaying data in the Moja PG *portal and usually lasts one day. Payment data is stored securely on the side of the financial systems and it is not possible that the payment information is "lost". Already paid invoices should not be redeemed.

 Why is my payment details out of date in the evening?

Payments are imported every day in the afternoon and evening - the payment data may be out of date during this time. During the import, an appropriate message is displayed on the student account. Payment data is stored securely on the side of the financial systems, no repaying of already paid invoices should be made.

Questions about the PG / eKontakt / Drupal homepage:

 Why can't I edit my unit page?

Editing of pages is possible only for authorized persons. In the event that we have permissions, but are still unable to edit the page, please make sure that you are connected via the polytechnic network.

 My business card on the PG website contains incorrect data - how can I change it?

The data displayed in employees' business cards are collected from the personal system (including data from employee contracts) and the Moja PG portal. In the event of irregularities, you should first contact the Personal Department in order to verify the correctness of the data in the personal system. Then log in to Moja PG and enter My Account. After updating the data here, the data on the business card will be updated within 24 hours.

Questions about the eLearning platform:

 What login to log into eLearning?

GdaƄsk Tech employees and students should log in to the eLearning platform using a polytechnic account (i.e. enter the login and password, such as for the Moja PG portal). On the eLearning platform, it is also possible to create a local account (not associated with a polytechnic account). Logging in to eLearning using a local account should be used by people who do not have a Moja PG account, e.g. participants of courses, trainings, projects.

 When will the grades from the e-Learning platform appear in Moja PG?

Grades for subjects for which passing the course in the e-Learning system is a condition of passing the course appear on the Moja PG portal when the Dean's Offices issue protocols to the instructors. Usually this is the end of the basic and correction session. If all the conditions for passing the subject have been met, the period of the basic session has expired and the credit for the subject has not appeared in Moja PG, the completion of the course should be verified, and then the person conducting the subject should be contacted to clarify the matter (necessarily before the end of the retake session).

Any possibility of entering a course credit ends with the end of the re-sit session, when academic teachers are required to send the protocols back to the Dean's Offices. After this date, it is not possible to enter the credit.

 Why is my credit from the eLearning platform not visible in Moja PG, even though the deadline for entries has expired?

Entries of the grades from the courses from the e-learning platform to the Moja PG portal usually take place at the end of the basic and re-sit sessions. If all the conditions for a pass are met and no pass has been awarded, two aspects must be verified:

  • have you completed the course while logged in to the e-learning platform with your student account (if not, log in with your polytechnic account and take the course / pass the test again),
  • whether there has been a change of name, surname or album number in the Moja PG portal since the first login to the e-learning platform, which may not have been transferred to the e-learning system (in the event of data discrepancies, please send a data harmonization request to the Helpdesk). The data is synchronized only in one direction: Moja PG → eLearning, therefore it is important to ensure that it is correct in the Moja PG system.

Any possibility of entering a course credit ends with the end of the re-sit session, when academic teachers are required to send the protocols back to the Dean's Offices. After this date, it is not possible to enter the credit.

Centrum UsƂug Informatycznych Politechniki GdaƄskiej 2024