Porównane wersje


  • Te wersy zostały dodane. Tosłowo zostało dodane.
  • Te wersy zostały usunięte. To słowo zostało usunięte.
  • Formatowanie zostało zmienione.


Students of the first semester of studies (and students of higher semesters who have not yet completed the courses referred to below) are required to undergo four compulsory electronic courses on the eLearning platform:

  • Training from eStudent platform
  • Information Skills
  • Health and Safety Training
  • eNauczanie – introductory training for students

Students are automatically enrolled for this course. Self-enrollment will not be available (in some faculties, the course is not included in the course grid on the My GUT portal, but the course remains compulsory; in principle, students are enrolled in this course automatically at the beginning of the academic year).

Access to courses requires a My GUT account. If you have not activated your student account on the My GUT portal, go to the website helpMy GUT Moja PG account activation and by following the instructions, activate the account (you will need, among others, the album number). You must log in to the courses with a polytechnic account (login and password the same as to the My PG portal). If you experience technical problems during the account activation stage in My PG, please contact the Helpdesk who will provide you with the necessary support.

Go to the page with links to courses


In case of no access to the course eNauczanie – introductory training for students

To all of the above courses, except for the last one, students enroll themselves by entering the course (using a My GUT account). To the course eNauczanie – introductory training for students, students are enrolled automatically at the beginning of a given academic year. So if you do not have access to this course (and it can happen if you obtained the student status at a later time) – submit a request to add your person to the course in one of the following ways:


I have completed the course. What's next?

After completing a given electronic course on the eLearning platform, an entry (with passing a course-related subject) on your student account on the My GUT portal will appear later, usually during the exam session. Completion of compulsory courses is imported into the My GUT system by those who teach these subjects or by coordinators appointed in a given faculty – during the examination session.

If you do not receive a pass in My GUT portal from a course related to a given electronic course:

  1. Make sure you have completed the course on the eLearning platform. If in doubt, verify the completion of the course in the Helpdesk.
  2. Once you are sure that you have completed the given course – then contact the lecturer (or e-learning coordinator) at your faculty. The data of the lecturers are visible on your student account in My GUT, in the Student module → Studies tab → Subjects → (choose a semester). If necessary, you can obtain information about the coordinator in the dean's office of your faculty.
  3. The lecturer or eLearning coordinator will import the pass from the eLearning system to My GUT portal, thanks to which the assessment (or credit) will appear on your student account in the My GUT (provided that the specified electronic course has actually been completed).

At the request of a student or lecturer, GUT Helpdesk can verify the credit (or no credit) of a given course on the eLearning portal. However, the helpdesk is not formally authorized to enter or import ratings. In the event of a possible technical problem (or suspicion of such an error), the matter should be reported to the Helpdesk.


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