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Wyświetlasz starszą wersję (v. /wiki/spaces/HPPG/pages/293568610/Appeal+in+recruitment) tej strony.

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« Pokaż poprzednią wersję Wyświetlasz aktualną wersję tej strony. (v. 2) pokaż następną wersję »

This instruction is intended for people who apply for studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology.

  1. After the date of publication of the final results, the candidate logs into the recruitment system.

  1. Go to the appropriate recruitment (status of publishing the decision).

  2. Click Go to publish final results → a screen with the decision to download is shown.

  1. (A screen with the decision to download is shown.)

  1. Click download the decision, a confirmation of receipt window is displayed. You need to mark the acknowledgment of receipt.

  1. After confirmation, you can download the decision (the document will save to disk or open in a new browser window). After downloading the decision, the final results will appear. After a few minutes, a Proof of Receipt will also be generated (just as the decision will appear in a new browser window).

  2. After reviewing the decision, you can file an appeal by clicking File Appeal.

  1. A window with the candidate's data will appear, where you must select the preference to be appealed, write a justification and accept the statement. After filling in all the fields, click Send Appeal.


  1. After submitting the appeal (after 5 minutes), it will be possible to download the appeal printout and Proof of Sending (Download DW).


ATTENTION!!! Proofs of receipt and Proofs of sending, as well as the completed cancellation form, will be downloadable only after about 5 minutes after sending, until then notifications such as the following will be displayed


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