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Wyświetlasz starszą wersję (v. /wiki/spaces/HPPG/pages/5053038/User+profile+settings+and+preferences) tej strony.

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« Pokaż poprzednią wersję Wyświetlasz aktualną wersję tej strony. (v. 6) pokaż następną wersję »

In the login mode, in the upper right corner, locate the circle with your own initials (or the avatar, if it has been uploaded to the system) and click on it. A menu for your account will be displayed as shown.

The Profile options allows you to view a summary of the user profile that contains the most important information: names of active courses, dates of the last and first login etc.

Each user has the option to change his own profile settings. To edit account information, locate the User Details section and click on Edit profile option.

Optional information is a collection of additional data that you can freely edit. Each user has the opportunity to add their photo, determine interests, enter additional contact details. To add a photo, click the add icon or drag the file to the marked field.

Each user can freely change blog and forum subscription preferences. To do this, choose the Forum preferences option from the menu available under the gear icon:

Each user can edit the settings of sending messages and notifications in the eLearning service (see Message preferences and Notification preferences) For each type of message, you can choose one of two options – each notification is delivered in the form of an e-mail message to your polytechnic address or notifications are presented in the form of pop-up windows.

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