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Wyświetlasz starszą wersję (v. /wiki/spaces/HPPG/pages/5052894/Webmail+client+and+calendars) tej strony.

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Gdańsk Tech webmail and Gdańsk Tech Calendars applications are available at, which generally provides an integrated system including the following functions:

  • Gdańsk Tech webmail – access via the web interface (a solution similar to the Roundcube web client available at

  • Address book – giving access to the e-mail address data of all Gdańsk Tech employees

  • Calendar – a solution replacing previously used calendars

  • Task list – reminding about tasks or activities to be performed

Access to "new" calendars and to "new" e-mail is possible via After going to the website, a login screen is displayed in which you should enter:

  • username (login) – such as to the Moja PG portal:

    • employees – they provide a short login (written without the domain, usually created from the first three letters of the first name and five letters of the surname),

    • students – they provide login in the format s<album_number>, e.g. s123456 or,

  • password – same as to the Moja PG portal.

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