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Submission of an application for an Electronic Student ID Card (ELS) is not free and generates a fee on the student's account. Before submitting an application, make sure the required address data entered in the system is correct.

If the data is accurate, select Issue of an electronic student ID card (ELS) from the Student → Documents→ Submit an application menu. If the required data is missing, select ELS issue with change of personal details.

Before you start the procedure of ELS issue, prepare a photo with the following parameters:

Before you start the procedure of ELS issue, prepare a photo with the following parameters:

  • Current photo, minimum size 240 x 300 pixels
  • Maximum permitted size: 500kB
  • Photo format: JPG

Step by step instruction

  1. Log in to the GUT portal and select the Student tile

2. To start the procedure, select from the Documents  menu on the top: Submit an application:

3. Then select the appropriate course the application relates to and click Next:

4. Then select application type – Issue of an electronic student ID card (ELS), or ID card application with personal data change: 

and click Next:

5. The next step is to give reason for submitting the application (if you have never had an electronic student ID card (ELS) select Make new ID card, other reasons for submitting an application are: damaged/lost ELS or change of personal details) and verify the data if you selected Issue of an electronic student ID card (ELS) or to fill in details if ELS issue with change of personal details was chosen:

6.  Next upload your photo, click Upload picture and then go to the appropriate folder, click on the photo and then Open:

7. Your picture will appear.

8. To move to step 4, click Next. Check the data you have entered before sending your application. Anyone sending an application will be held responsible if inaccurate data is provided. If the data entered is correct, select  Send application.

9. A message confirming that the application was successfully submitted will appear:

10. Now you have to select Payments… Details can be found in this manual.

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