This instruction is intended for people who apply for doctoral schools at Gdańsk Tech.
Technical issues related to the recruitment system are handled by the Helpdesk team - detailed contact information can be found on the main help page.
To be able to recruit, you must activate your account on the eRekrutacja portal.
After the candidate logs in to his/her recruitment account and completes the data, a page with current registrations for studies and doctoral schools will be displayed.
There is a session counter in the upper right corner - for security reasons, the session lasts 10 minutes, if no operation is performed during this time, the candidate will be automatically logged out of the website. By clicking on the two blue arrows you can refresh the session duration.
Also for security reasons, it is not possible to open one application in two browser windows.
After selecting the Doctoral schools box, you will see the selection of the type of doctoral school and the necessary information regarding the recruitment itself (until when is it active, description, key conditions).
Flags next to individual courses indicate in which language a given course will be conducted.
Click to expand issues:
After sending the form
After sending the form, the committee examines the Candidate's documents and assigns appropriate statuses.
Form returned for correction
If it is required to correct the form, the Candidate will see this information after logging in to the Recruitment portal.
Here, each candidate can check the current status of his or her application, without having to contact the Doctoral School directly.
Then click Correct the data in the form, you will be taken to the Summary tab, where things to be corrected will be listed.