

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a solution that provides a network connection between computers that are physically connected to different, separated networks via a public network (primarily the Internet). This connection is established in such a way that, in terms of network communication, the computers “see” each other as if they were physically located on the same network. This type of connection is referred to as a VPN tunnel.

Additionally, the traffic within the VPN tunnel can be encrypted, ensuring the security of data transmission.

CUI PG provides the VPN service in two forms:

  • A classic VPN using OpenVPN software.

  • A browser-based SSL-VPN (OpenVPN installation is recommended).

In practice, for PG employees and students, this means that from a home computer (or a work laptop) connected to a network outside the university, they can access various IT systems as if they were directly connected to the PG university network. This includes full access to the Moja PG portal and the Document Repository.

PG students can access the VPN (using OpenVPN) upon request by an academic teacher/supervisor, etc., sent to the Helpdesk. The request can be made simply by having the instructor send an email to helpdesk@pg.edu.pl.

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Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024