Log in to Moja PG Portal

Log in to Moja PG Portal

To log in to the portal, click at Moja PG Portal Login button.

The user will be directed to Central Authentication Service. The user needs a username and password to get started; these are created during the account activation process. Users who already have an email address at @student.pg.gda.pl or @pg.gda.pl domain but they did not activate their account yet, i.e., they have login to the Eduroam network only, should activate their accounts to assign correct system permissions. Login and password do not change after account reactivation.

Log in process requires a username:

  • Students: login with a @student.pg.gda.pl email address: adaprzyk@student.pg.gda.pl or provide just the username (login@stu­dent.pg.edu.pl or s (eg. s123456)).

  • Employee: login without a @pg.gda.pl, email address: adaprzyk (employees do not need to add @pg.gda.pl)

…and a password; once both are provided, click Login:

After log in to the system, depending on his/her access rights, the user can see available applications in the menu. Some of applications, e.g., Teacher or Employee, due to security reasons can only be accessed from the Gdańsk Tech network.

Each student can access following applications:

  • Mail1 – provides quick access to PG email directly from the portal. Login and password are the same as Moja PG ones. You only have to choose the right server: Student Mail or Employee Mail.

  • My account – enables to browse personal data, change phone number or password (including changing the Portal and Mail passwords).

  • Help – enables to contact with Helpdesk

  • Campus Map – the map with all PG objects together with rooms.

1) To access mail please provide only your username part of your email address, i.e., without the @student.pg.edu.pl or @pg.edu.pl suffix.

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Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024