Eduroam EN (Windows)

Eduroam EN (Windows)

Instructions for connecting Windows devices to the eduroam wireless network.

Using the eduroam network requires an active account on the Moja PG portal (access is possible using the same login data as the Moja PG portal), the network is available to employees, PhD students and students.

Systems older than Windows 10 are not supported by us, however, the information contained here should be able to be successfully used for connection, as long as the operating system already supports the authentication methods used here.

Gdańsk Tech Helpdesk experience shows that all Wi-Fi managers pre-installed by hardware manufacturers make it difficult to connect to the eduroam network, so we recommend using the mechanism built into Windows 10.

Step-by-step instruction

The configuration of the eduroam network on a Windows computer is a two-stage process and in the first stage it requires the installation of the root certificate, in the second stage the installation of the user certificate and connection configuration are required.

Stage one - installation of the root certificate

  1. Access this page using a computer
  2. Find the root certificate in the CER / DER format and download it (save)
  3. Open the downloaded certificate (depending on the browser it will appear in the bar at the bottom of the page or in the upper right part of the screen as a "down arrow" icon). If you have problems locating the downloaded file, check the Downloads folder or use the CTRL + J keyboard shortcut
  4. Windows should display a threat warning - in this case, we agree to install the file and open it.
  5. After opening the file, you will see a window with the details of the downloaded certificate:

6. Click Install Certificate

7. In the next steps of the installation wizard, select as appropriate:

  • Current user
  • Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse
  • select the second item, which is Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK
  • Click Next and Finish
  • Information Import has been successfully completed, close by clicking OK

8. Close the certificate details window by clicking OK

Stage two - connection configuration

User certificate usage path

  1. Go to the user certificate generation page

  2. There is a form on the website that will send us to the Certificate Generator website.

  3. By clicking Log in, you will be sent to Central Authentication Service, where you must log in by entering your user name (without the annotation @pg.edu.pl or @student.pg.edu.pl) and password.

  4. After logging in (or if we were already logged in to Moja PG), a window will appear in which you must enter the password again, and then click Generate certificate.

  5. A message will be displayed that the certificate has been generated, pay attention to the specified validity period of the certificate (from - to date). There will also be information that there is a previously generated certificate, then remember that the downloaded certificate is secured with the password for Moja PG that was in force on the day that commenced the given certificate validity period.

  6. Click Download Certificate

  7. Open the downloaded certificate (depending on the browser it will appear in the bar at the bottom of the page or in the upper right part of the screen as a "down arrow" icon). If you have problems locating the downloaded file, check the Downloads folder or use the CTRL + J keyboard shortcut

  8. The certificate import wizard will open (the same as in the case of the main certificate)

  9. Select the Current User storage location and click Next
  10. Leave the suggested file name as is, click Next
  11. Enter the certificate password the same as for Moja PG (if the password does not work, the certificate is packed with one of the previous passwords used for Moja PG) and click Next

  12. Leave the default setting Automatically select vault ... and click Next

  13. Click Finish to complete the certificate import process

  14. Information Import has been successfully completed, close by clicking OK

  15. Click on the network icon next to the system clock, the available networks will be displayed:

16. Find eduroam in the list of available networks and double-click on it to connect

17. A window will appear in which you should click Connect using a certificate:

18. A warning will appear:

19. Click Connect


The certificate configuration method is more secure.

The connection configured in this way will also work after changing the password to Moja PG (until the certificate expires).


The user certificate is valid for one year from its generation, after that time a new certificate should be generated and the saved configuration of the eduroam network modified so that it uses the new certificate (usually it is enough to install a new user certificate).

If you have already generated a user certificate and the time has not expired for a year, then by filling in the form on the certificate download page, the existing certificate will be downloaded, packed with the password valid at the time of its generation.


If the above instructions did not bring the expected results, restart the computer (restart, do not turn off and on, i.e. click on the Start → Power → Restart icon.


Assistance in connection configuration is possible only after making an attempt to configure the network yourself, based on the above instructions. The user should have both certificates downloaded to the computer (or at least the root certificate). When reporting to the Helpdesk team, remember to take your power adapter with you!

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