Microsoft Word English Version

Microsoft Word English Version

Microsoft Word is a word processor that everyone is familiar with. With its help you can quickly create, edit and share works. MS Word is a simple and enjoyable tool, part of the Office suite.

This manual is a brief description of basic operations in Microsoft Word. For full access to the manual, and all documentation, go to. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/microsoft-365-quick-starts-25f909da-3e76-443d-94f4-6cdf7dedc51e

Saving a document to OneDrive in Word

Saving a document to OneDrive

Once your files are stored in the cloud, you can share them, collaborate with others and access your files from anywhere - using a computer, tablet or phone.

  1. Choose File -> Save As.

  1. OneDrive item is selected.

We save personal files to OneDrive - Personal, and business files to the OneDrive service used in your company. You can also save files to another location from the list or use the Add Space item.

  1. Enter a descriptive file name and select Save.

Collaboration in Word

Sharing the document

To share a file from within Word:

  1. Select Share or choose File -> Share.

  1. Choose from a drop-down list who you want to share the file with, or enter a name or email address.

  2. Add a message (optional) and choose Send.

Collaborative editing of the document

When you share a document, you can work on it together with others - at the same time.

  • For best collaboration results, use Word for Web - you will then see the changes in real time.

  • The Sharing section displays a list of people who are also editing the file.

  • The colored flags indicate exactly where in the document other people are working.

Tracking and reviewing changes.

  1. To track changes, select Review -> Track Changes.

  1. To review the changes, place the cursor in front of the change, and then select the item:

  • Accept to keep the change;

  • Reject to remove it.

Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024