Microsoft OneDrive English Version

Microsoft OneDrive English Version

OneDrive is a cloud drive service that lets you store and share files. OneDrive also allows you to work mobile and remotely, as all your data is available in the web browser of any computer.

With OneDrive, you can quickly make changes, share and store files. You can edit uploaded files together with your colleagues, seeing the changes live. In the following guide, you will learn the basic features of the OneDrive service and how to start working with files stored in the cloud.

Transferring files and folders to and saving them to the OneDrive service.

Using OneDrive in the browser.

Log in to https://www.office.com/?omkt=en-GB


Then enter the Password.


After correctly logging into the application, click the icon of nine dots (highlighted in red).


Next, select OneDrive items.


Choose the Add New option.

  1. Select File Transfer or Folder Transfer.

  1. Select the files or folder you want to transfer. Then click Open.

  1. By selecting Folder, you can create an additional folder to save in My Files.


A window will appear where we can give a name for our new folder and its color.


For the purpose of the instructions, we created a folder named TestHD, which is already visible in the list of our files and folders.


Using OneDrive on your computer.

If you are using Windows 10, you may have already been prompted to sign into OneDrive to synchronize files.

To access files or folders, simply open Windows File Explorer and select the Cloud icon (depending on the user, the name will display differently).


Save and open files in Office applications.

  1. Select File -> Save or Save As -> OneDrive [username] - [company name] , to save a business file to OneDrive.

  1. To open a file, go to File -> Open, then select OneDrive and choose the file you need from the list.


Share OneDrive service files from Office applications.

To share a file from Word, Excel, PowerPoint or any other Office application, you need to:


Select Share (1).


Or select File -> Share (2).

  1. Select from the drop-down list who you want to share the file with, or enter a name or email address. Add a message (optional) and select Send.



Sharing files from OneDrive.

To share a file, click on the arrow icon (the box highlighted in red).


You can also share a file using the option with "dots," or right-click on the file you want to share to bring up a list of options to choose from:

  1. Select from the drop-down list who you want to share the file with, or enter a name or email address. Add a message (optional) and select Send.


Changing views.

The left pane allows you to filter the view of items in OneDrive.

  • Files - See all files and folders of the OneDrive service.

  • Recent - See which recently opened Office documents have been modified or not.

  • Shared - See items shared with others and shared with you by others.

  • Discover - See what is trending around you, depending on who you are working with and what you are working on.

  • Trash - View deleted items and folders.


OneDrive collaboration.

Share OneDrive service files from Office applications.

To share a file from Word, Excel, PowerPoint or another Office application:

  1. Select the Share item on the ribbon.

Or choose File > Share.

Note: If the file is not yet saved to OneDrive, you will be prompted to transfer the file to OneDrive for sharing.

  1. Select from the drop-down list who you want to share with, or enter a name or email address.

  2. Add a message (optional) and select Send.


Sharing files from OneDrive.

  1. Right-click the file and select Share.

Or select the file and choose the Share command on the toolbar.

  1. Select from the drop-down list who you want to share with, or enter a name or email address.

  2. Add a message (optional) and select Send.


Changing views.

The left pane allows you to filter the view of items in OneDrive.

  • Files - See all files and folders of the OneDrive service.

  • Recent - See which recently opened Office documents have been modified or not.

  • Shared - See items shared with others and shared with you by others.

  • Discover - See what is trending around you, depending on who you are working with and what you are working on.

  • Trash - View deleted items and folders.


Copy link.

  • Select the file and choose Copy Link.

  • Or right-click the file and select Copy Link.



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