Completing the candidate's data

Completing the candidate's data


After logging in to the recruitment system, the candidate may complete his / her personal data.

Personal data

If you log in as a student or employee of Gdańsk University of Technology with an account with Moja PG Portal, and then enter the Personal data tab, the following message will be displayed: Data synchronization with the Moja PG Portal is in progress. Personal data should be updated within several seconds. If you want to interrupt it and enter the data manually, click: Cancel. Personal data will be supplemented in accordance with the data in the Moja PG system.
Candidates who created the recruitment account from scratch, in the Personal data tab, they will only see the fields that were required to be provided when creating the account.

By clicking Edit, you may complete the missing data (to be completed: place of birth, father's name, contact number). Before saving the data, you must also accept the declaration of correctness of the data provided.


We recommend that you enter the data in lowercase (and not only in capital letters), in accordance with the spelling rules, because after the recruitment is completed, the data is automatically transferred to the Moja PG system and presented in various documents.

Without its approval and providing all the required data, he will not be able to save his personal data.


As when completing the form, when setting up an account, foreign candidates who do not have a PESEL number in the citizenship field select their country of origin (a hint will be displayed after entering the first letters). After selecting a nationality other than Polish, an option to enter the Pole's card number will appear below this field. If the candidate does not have a Polish Card and does not have a PESEL number, select the I don't have a PESEL number option and then select one type of identity document from the drop-down list and complete the series, number, expiry date and country of issue of this document.

As a contact telephone number, the candidate provides a telephone number with an area code - it may also be a foreign telephone number.


The number for system notifications must be a number from the Polish mobile operator, because SMS notifications will be sent to this number.

If the data is not completed, the system, after providing the data regarding the recruitment, will not allow the candidate to complete the recruitment process.

Address data

If you log in using the Moja PG account and the data is synchronized, as described in the section on personal data, the residence and correspondence address will be automatically completed. This data must be in Moje PG before syncing. If at least the address of residence has not been completed, these persons and other candidates are required to provide at least the address of residence. A mailing address may be provided if it is different from the place of residence.

When entering the home address, select the country name from the drop-down list and then manually completes the remaining data.

If the data is not completed, the system, after providing the data regarding the recruitment, will not allow you to complete the recruitment process.


Important tab in your account is Messages tab.

We recommend that you check your messages regularly as this is where notifications from the recruitment office and recruitment committees are sent. This tab also shows the status of the application.

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