Blocking recruitment and editing of candidate data

Blocking recruitment and editing of candidate data

The Recruitment Wizard blocks the candidate's data in two cases:

  • when the candidate's details have already been verified by the committee;

  • when the date of supplementing the data has expired.

After blocking it, the candidate, after clicking fill in the data on a given recruitment, is redirected immediately to the summary tab, without the possibility of editing anything. Additionally, one of the following messages is displayed at the top of the page. Also, the possibility of editing personal, address and WKU data will be blocked and after entering individual tabs, one of the following messages will be displayed.

  • The data you provided has already been verified by the recruitment committee. Editing has been blocked.

  • The process of developing the recruitment results has started. Editing has been blocked.

Editing of personal and address data will be available to the candidate again after the recruitment process is completed.

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Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024