Activities order

Activities order

The Moodle platform allows you to create different learning paths. 

You can make the order or scope of the content presented. You may also share the content only when the student makes progress in a course.To condition the availability of specific course modules, you must first enable activity tracking. Activity tracking can be enabled by modifying course settings.

First we go to the main page of the course, selecting it from the block on the left:

Next clic icon Settings and  Edit settings:

Choose category Completion tracking and Yes from the drop-down list:

Save settings by clic Save and display.

While creating a course, we have the ability to hide some of  elements until the user meets chosen conditions, e.g. we've created a quiz, but we want users to approach it after passed the test.


To enter such settings, you must first turn on edit mode.

To enter a restriction you should:

1. First we choose the activity in which we want enter a restriction. For that purpose select the Edit option and then Edit settings:

2. Choose category Restrict access:

3. Clic Add restriction:

Next choose type of restriction, in our case Activity completion:

4. We will see settings of chosen resriction. Clic chosen terms. To add more restrictions clic Add restriction:


In our case we want to give access to the quiz after passing test. That requires to first change settings of test- it have to end with grade. 

5. Save settings by clic: Save and return to course.

After enabling course tracking for each activity whose completion you want to monitor, you must specify the criterion for marking the activity as completed. You have to determine whether it is enough to open the module to "complete" it or whether it is necessary to obtain a grade.


To enter such settings, you must first turn on edit mode.

To set activity completion:

1. First we choose the activity in which we want enter a restriction. For that purpose select the Edit option and then Edit settings:

2. Choose category Activity completion:

3. Choose one of the options from the drop-down list: Do not indicate activity completion, Students can manually mark the activity as completed; Show activity as complete when conditions are met here we can choose if this is enough to open activity to complete it or user have to get a grade.

4. Save settings by clic: Save and return to course.

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Centrum Usług Informatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej 2024