Creating question bank

Creating question bank

The key element of teaching is interaction with the user and checking acquired knowledge.

The Moodle platform provides various tools to test the knowledge of course participants. Most of them use questions for this purpose. Created questions are saved in the Question bank, thanks to that we can use the same question in many places without  editting the question again. To manage the question bank, enter the selected course, then click the Settings icon and select More:

You will see Course administration window, choose Question bank:

The Questions section allows you to create new questions and assign categories to them- Select a category. To create a new question, click Create a new question:

After clicking, the Choose a question type to add window will open. We choose the type of question to see description and then click Add:

In the Categories section we can create a new category of questions. Sorting questions into categories is especially useful when we create many courses on different topics at the same time. To create a new question category, go to the Add category segment:

Next complete the fields and click on the Add category button:

Question base export / import is a very useful feature. This allows you to move entire question bases between different courses and even platforms.

To import a file, in the Import section select File format, add the file and click Import:

To export questions to a file, in the Export section select File format, set the category and click Export questions to file:

Once we have created a complete base of questions, we can use it to create tests / lessons. After switching to editing the test settings, we can see a base of questions. We can manually add questions or add random questions from a specific category. While we creating a question base, it is worth paying attention to her structure, proper organization of the question base can improve later work on the Moodle platform.

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